Now, unless you love romance and adventurous princess stories, I don't recommend this book. I don't think a lot of people read it, but its pretty good! Although, most of my friends don't care for girly stuff like princesses...screw them! There's witches and wizards, peasants and nobles, kings and queens, dragons and griffins...sound enticing? I'd rate it a 4 1/2!
Genre: Fantasy/Magic/Mystery/Drama/Romance/Fairy-Tale/Adventure/Paranormal/
SUMMARY: (I know it's short. But then, the book is short. :P)
Princess Emeralda a.k.a. Emma isn't exactly the perfect princess. Her laugh sounds like a donkey's bray, she's so terribly clumsy, and she hates Prince Jorge, the only prince suitor she has that her mother hopes she will marry. Emma thought she was escaping her troubles when she sneaked into the swamp, but in reality, all she did was ask for more. Trying to build up her courage to kiss this slimy talking frog called Eadric, she never imagined that the action would turn her own self into a frog!
Eadric and Emma don't know what went wrong, but in the meantime, they start spending time with each other with Eadric teaching Emma how to survive as a frog. After a while, Emma decides that she must find her aunt, who is a powerful and good witch, to reverse the spell. Eadric, however, insists that they find the witch who had cast the curse on him in the first place. While looking for her, they were captured by a witch-pretender who wanted their toes and tongues.
Managing to escape, they make their way back to the castle to hunt down Emma's aunt. But there is one problem: Even if they make it, could her aunt possible not have a way to turn them back?
E. D. Baker is a fantastic author. She writes her own little fantasies about famous princess tales and does a wonderful job of it. She entrances her audience with humor, romance, and adventure and puts a lovely twist on a classic tale.
Tales of the Frog Princess Series: The Frog Princess, Dragon's Breath, Once Upon A Curse, No Place for Magic, The Salamander Spell
(BTW, she writes a few other series. Go look them up!)